Root Mealybugs: The Hidden Threat To Your Monstera

If the luxuriant, glossy green leaves of your Monstera suddenly starts to turn yellow and begins to droop, then it’s time for a general checkup.

If you can’t seem to find any visible cause of the problem, then the culprit could be lurking just beneath the surface.

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Root mealybugs, those secretive, bluish-white critters, might be silently feasting on your Monstera’s roots.

Root mealybugs

They often sneak in unnoticed, their tiny size and subterranean habits making them easy to overlook. Yet, as tiny as they are, these insects can do serious damage.

Identifying and eliminating them is crucial to prevent your Monstera from dying. Read on and we’ll teach you how!

Understanding Root Mealybugs

Root mealybugs are small, hidden pests that can cause significant damage to your Monstera and other houseplants if left unchecked.

They’re different from regular mealybugs as they primarily attack plant roots, making them difficult to detect until it’s too late.

These pests are small, bluish-white insects, often with a slightly flattened and rounded shape.

They almost completely lack eyes, and their antennae are short. Females lay at least six eggs in a fluffy, white sort of nest, and the nymphs resemble smaller versions of the females.

Most of the time, root mealybugs are overlooked because they’re hidden in the soil, feeding on the plant roots.

Effects of Mealybugs on Plants

One of the more familiar species is Pritchard’s mealybug, Rhizoecus pritchardi, which feeds on the roots of African violets and other houseplants.

When infested plants are watered, these mealybugs sometimes crawl out of the drainage holes and spread to other nearby plants.

Little is known about the life history of root mealybugs. However, all stages of their life cycle can be found on the roots and potting mix of infested plants, where they feed on plant sap.

Root mealybugs are often challenging to control or eliminate, but hot water dips have proven effective as one method of combating these pests.

These pests can result in yellowed leaves, stunted growth, wilting, and even bloom reduction.

In addition to physical damage, root mealybugs excrete a substance called honeydew, which can lead to the growth of sooty mold.

This further weakens the plant and makes it more susceptible to diseases and other pests.

Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent the significant harm these mealybugs can cause.

Monstera: A Desirable Host

In their natural habitat, Monsteras are accustomed to climbing the trunks of tall trees or sprawling along the forest floor.

They thrive in high humidity and dappled sunlight, making them a perfect candidate for cultivation in homes.

Unfortunately, these stunning plants are not without their share of potential threats, one of which is the root mealybug.

Root mealybugs are especially attracted to plants with ample root systems and a preference for moist conditions. This makes Monstera plants a particularly susceptible host.

Close up of Monstera Deliciosa Root Bound

The soft, waxy coating on these pests allows them to blend in with the plant’s roots, making it even harder to spot their presence.

As they feed, root mealybugs can compromise the Monstera’s health and stunt its growth.

Effects of Root Mealybugs on Monstera

The damage caused by these pests can have detrimental effects on the growth and health of your beloved Monstera. Here are some signs:

Stunted Growth

Root mealybugs deprive Monstera plants of essential nutrients by feeding on their roots.

This lack of nutrients can lead to stunted growth, as the plant is unable to uptake necessary elements for proper development.

The absence of these nutrients may result in smaller leaves and a less vigorous plant.

Wilting and Yellowing Leaves

Another noticeable effect of root mealybug infestation on Monstera plants is wilting and yellowing of leaves.

Due to root damage, the plant’s ability to transport water and nutrients is compromised.

This leads to insufficient hydration, causing leaves to wilt and eventually turn yellow.

Root Damage

Root mealybugs can cause significant damage to the roots of Monstera plants.

As these pests feed, they pierce the root tissue, creating entry points for various diseases and pathogens.

This may lead to root rot or other secondary infections, further weakening the overall health of the plant.

More on root damage here: This Hidden Threat Can Ruin Your Monstera: Tackling Root Rot, Your Plant’s Worst Foe

Decreased Plant Vigor

Root mealybugs can infest Monstera plants for a prolonged period without detection due to their below-ground lifestyle.

The ongoing damage caused by these pests can deplete the plant’s energy reserves, making it less resilient to other stress factors such as disease, pests, or environmental changes.

Treatment Options for Infested Monstera

Dealing with root mealybugs in your Monstera can be challenging, but implementing effective treatment options will help you regain control and restore your plant’s health.


One option for treating your infested Monstera is the use of insecticides.

When you find mealybugs on new plants, it’s essential to treat them with an insecticide prior to introducing them to the rest of your indoor garden.

Multiple applications may be necessary to ensure thorough coverage of all plant parts.

Monitor and inspect your quarantined plants regularly before reintroducing them to the greenhouse.

Physical Removal

Another approach for treating root mealybugs is to target their hiding places.

These pests can be found on the undersides of leaves, on stems, and even on the outside of the pot.

Remove any visible mealybugs by wiping them off with a damp cloth or using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.

Improving Air Circulation

Mealybugs also thrive in high humidity, so improving air circulation around your Monstera can help create a less favorable environment for these pests.

Consider setting up a fan near your plants or increasing the space between them.

Repot Your Plant

In cases where infestations are severe, it may be necessary to repot your Monstera.

Root mealybugs, such as the ground mealybug (Rhizoecus falcifer), can cause significant damage to the plant’s roots.

While repotting, make sure to trim off any heavily-infested roots and rinse the remaining roots in a mild soapy solution to help remove any remaining pests.

repotting a monstera

Read more here: Monstera Potting And Repotting Guide

Can Root Mealybugs Spread to Other Houseplants?

Yes, root mealybugs pose a threat to your Monstera and other houseplants.

These pests are sneaky as they can be easily overlooked, dwelling beneath the soil’s surface and feeding on the plant’s roots.

Root mealybugs are known to crawl out of drainage holes and latch onto nearby plants when an infested pot is watered.

This makes it especially important to isolate affected plants and prevent their spread to others.

Root mealybugs are small, nearly eyeless insects with short antennae. Their reproductive habits also contribute to their ability to spread.

Females lay at least six eggs in a fluffy, white nest, which, once hatched, produce nymphs that are the smaller versions of adult females.

These nymphs swiftly disperse, infesting nearby plants in search of nourishment.

In greenhouses, root mealybugs also have the potential to spread through water drainage systems, growing media, or plant debris, making it crucial to keep your growing area clean and well-maintained.

Be vigilant when adding new plants to your collection, ensuring you inspect them thoroughly and quarantine any suspicious plants.

This will help prevent the introduction of root mealybugs or other pests to your home garden.

Proactive Plant Care is Key to be Mealybug-Free!

In order to prevent the spread of mealybugs, it’s crucial to practice good plant hygiene.

This includes inspecting new plants before introducing them to your existing collection, as well as regular monitoring of your plants for any signs of infestation.

Remember that a proactive approach to plant care, along with consistent monitoring and maintenance, is key to keeping your Monstera and other houseplants healthy and free from the threat of root mealybugs.

Want to dive deeper into your plant care routine? Read here: From Basic To Extraordinary: Advanced Care Tips For Monstera Enthusiasts

Root Mealybugs The Hidden Threat To Your Monstera