What To Do If Monstera Stem Breaks: Quick And Easy Fixes

Monstera plants are popular choices for indoor plant enthusiasts due to their attractive, large leaves and easy-to-care-for nature.

However, accidents can happen, and it’s not uncommon for a monstera stem to break. Don’t worry, though; there are ways to deal with this situation and help your plant recover.

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The key to saving a broken Monstera stem lies in proper care and timely action.

By understanding the importance of factors such as sunlight, airflow, and humidity, you can ensure your Monstera’s survival and continued growth.

This article will guide you through the process of what to do with a broken stem and how to prevent such breaks in the future.

Recognizing a Broken Monstera Stem

a monstera plant cutting

Monstera plants are popular for their striking appearance and easy maintenance. However, accidents can happen, and you may find yourself dealing with a broken Monstera stem.

In this section, we will help you identify a broken stem and discuss ways to address the issue.

Bent Monstera Stem

A bent monstera stem may not be entirely broken but can still cause problems for your plant. You might notice that the stem is leaning to one side, and the leaves are not in their usual position.

It’s essential to identify this issue early on, as a bent stem can hinder the plant’s growth and overall health. You can try to repair a bent Monstera stem by providing support to the affected area.

Insert a moss pole or a strong stick inside the potting mix of the plant near the stem, and gently tie the stem to this support with a rope, tape, or zip ties. This will help keep the stem upright and encourage proper growth.

Severed Plant Stem

A severed monstera stem is more severe than a bent one. If the stem is entirely detached from the plant or snapped in half, there is a risk of losing the entire stem and its leaves.

In this case, you have to act quickly to give your plant the best chance at recovery.

When dealing with a severed monstera stem, it is crucial to remove any damaged parts of the plant. Cut about an inch above the nearest node to remove the broken section, as this will stimulate new growth at that point.

After removing the damaged stem section, you can try to propagate the healthy part in water or soil. This will allow a new stem to grow, and eventually, your monstera plant will regain its former beauty.

Remember, providing proper care for your monstera plant is the key to preventing future broken stems.

Ensure that you are watering it regularly, maintaining moist but not soggy soil, and providing an adequate level of humidity for your plant.

Immediate Steps to Take

When your monstera stem breaks, it’s important to act quickly to help the plant recover. In this section, we’ll cover the immediate steps you can take, including splint and tape techniques and grafting methods.

Splint and Tape

Here are the steps to splint and tape your broken monstera stem.

Assess the damage

First, evaluate the break. If it’s a clean break and the stem is still partially attached, you might be able to save the stem without significant complications.

Clean the area

Gently clean the broken area with water to remove any dirt or debris. This helps prevent infections and allows for a better chance of successful healing.

Apply a splint

Find a sturdy splint, such as a small wooden dowel, popsicle stick, or even a pencil. Secure the splint to the broken stem, aligning the two broken parts as closely as possible. Ensure that the splint provides adequate support to keep the stem straight while it heals.

Tape it up

Use a soft and flexible tape, like electrical tape, to gently secure the splint and stem together. Make sure the tape is snug, but not too tight, to allow for proper circulation and growth.

Grafting Methods

Another approach to mending a broken monstera stem is by utilizing grafting techniques. One such method is called splice grafting. Here’s how you can perform splice grafting on a broken monstera stem:

Prepare the stem

Cut the broken stem at an angle, creating a long, diagonal cut. Make sure the cut is clean, using a sharp, sterilized tool.

Match the cuts

If the broken piece is still viable, create a similar long, diagonal cut on the broken piece to match the cut on the main stem. If the broken piece is no longer viable, find a healthy donor stem with a similar diameter for grafting.

Align the cuts

Slide the cut surface of the broken piece or donor stem against the main stem, aligning the cuts as closely as possible. There should be substantial overlap to ensure a successful graft.

Secure the graft

Using a soft, flexible tape (such as electrical tape), securely wrap the graft site. Make sure the tape is snug but not too tight, to allow for proper circulation and growth.

Care for the graft

Monitor the graft site closely and provide proper care to your monstera plant, including watering, humidity, and lighting requirements. Over time, the graft should heal, and your plant should recover.

Always remember to be gentle and patient throughout the process to increase the odds of success.

Monstera Plant Care Tips

scissors cutting a monstera stem for pruning

Monstera plants are beautiful, lush tropical additions to any indoor space. Proper care is crucial to ensure their continued growth and health.

Pruning and Maintenance

Regular pruning and maintenance of Monstera plants promote healthy growth and prevent potential stem breakages.

To prune your monstera, simply cut off any yellow or brown leaves, as well as any stems that are longer than desired. Pruning is best done in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing.

  • Ensure the soil is consistently moist but not soggy by maintaining a regular watering schedule.
  • Provide enough humidity by misting the leaves or using a humidifier. Monstera plants thrive in high humidity environments.
  • Monitor and control pests and diseases by regularly inspecting the plant and treating any issues as they arise.

Support Systems

Monstera plants can grow quite large and need adequate support systems to prevent stem breakage. As Monstera plants mature, their stems become heavier and may require a sturdy support system.

Here are some options to help your monstera plant:

Moss pole

This popular support system allows your Monstera to climb, mimicking its natural growth in the wild. Attach the plant to the pole with plant ties.


Providing a trellis as support encourages the Monstera to climb and spread, allowing for even distribution of the plant’s weight.

Plant stakes

These can be inserted into the soil and used to prop up heavy stems. Ensure they are sturdy enough to support the weight of the plant.

Propagating from Broken Stems

If your monstera stem breaks, don’t fret! You can salvage it by propagating from the broken stem.

Preparing the Stem

Identify the leaf node on the broken stem, as this contains growth material necessary for new growth.

Remove any damaged parts of the plant and cut the stem just above the lowest node. Doing this quickly helps the plant heal faster and prevents rot from spreading to the rest of the plant.


Once your stem is properly prepared, place it in a jar with room temperature water, ideally filtered, as it’s considered best practice to propagate plants in such water.

Ensure the leaf node is submerged, as this will encourage it to grow roots. Place the jar in a warm location with bright, indirect light.

Be patient; rooting can take a few weeks. Keep an eye on the water level and top it off as needed.

monstera cuttings in jars of water


After your monstera stem has grown some roots, it’s time to transfer it to a pot filled with a well-draining potting mix that’s suitable for monstera deliciosa.

Follow these steps to ensure a successful potting:

  1. Choose a pot with proper drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
  2. Fill the pot with the potting mix, leaving about an inch between the soil and the rim of the pot.
  3. Create a hole in the center of the potting mix, deep enough to accommodate the roots.
  4. Gently place the rooted stem into the hole, ensuring the roots are covered by the potting mix.
  5. Water the plant and keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy.

Your propagated monstera should start to show new growth within a few weeks. Keep it in a location with bright, indirect light and maintain proper care to help it thrive.

You can try using this premium Monstera potting soil on Amazon.

Broken Things Can Be Fixed

In the event a monstera stem breaks, don’t worry, there are effective ways to fix it.

Firstly, remove any damaged parts of the plant and make sure to cut above the lowest node on your monstera plant. This will allow new stems to grow within a couple of months’ time.

You can start growing these new stems by propagating them in water or soil.

Additionally, consider strengthening and supporting the stem by moving it away from windy and low light areas, and ensure to get rid of any bugs attacking your monstera plant.

To prevent stem breakage in the future, it is crucial to provide your monstera with the proper care it needs. Maintaining consistent soil moisture is also essential as it prevents brown spots on the leaves.

Monstera plants are resilient so next time a stem breaks, take it as an opportunity to propagate!

What To Do If Monstera Stem Breaks Quick And Easy Fixes