Monstera Propagation Guide: Simple Steps for Thriving Plants

Monstera plants, also known as Swiss cheese plants, have taken the world of indoor gardening by storm with their lush green leaves and remarkable ability to thrive in various conditions.

The art of Monstera propagation enables you to multiply your collection and share this fascinating plant with friends and family.

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In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps required to successfully propagate your Monstera, master the process, and create eye-catching new additions to your home.

Gardener wiping monstera plant with overlaying text: Monstera Propagation Guide: Simple Steps for Thriving Plants

Monstera Propagation Methods

The key to successful Monstera propagation starts with understanding the plant’s growth habits and characteristics.

propagating monstera in water

These tropical plants originate from Central and South America, where they thrive in dense forests, seeking sunlight by climbing trees and other nearby structures.

Hence, their remarkable adaptive features allow them to flourish in various light conditions and environments.

When propagating your Monstera, ensuring the right conditions and using the proper propagation methods will make all the difference in achieving thriving, healthy plants.

Stem Cuttings

Stem cuttings are one of the most popular methods to propagate your Monstera plant.

stem cutting of monstera

To do this, simply find a healthy stem with a node and cut it right before this node.

Carefully remove any leaves that might hinder the new growth, then dip the cut end into a rooting hormone.

This will increase the chance of successful propagation.

Next, plant the cutting into a pot filled with well-draining soil, ensuring that the node is in contact with the soil.

Keep the soil moist and in a warm, brightly lit area to stimulate the growth of new roots.

Water Propagation

Water propagation is another simple yet effective method for Monstera plants.

Water propagation of monstera

To begin, follow the same steps as with stem cuttings by finding a healthy stem with a node and then make a clean cut.

Place the cutting into a container with room temperature water, ensuring that the node is submerged but the remaining leaves are above water.

Change the water regularly to avoid contamination, and place the container in a brightly lit area.

Within a few weeks, you should see new roots emerging from the node.

Once the roots have developed sufficiently (about 2-3 inches), you can transfer the cutting to a pot with soil.

Air Layering

If you’re looking for a method with a high success rate, consider air layering. This technique is a bit more involved but can produce impressive results.

Start by locating a healthy stem on the mother plant with a visible node. Make a small upward-facing cut into the stem, near the node.

Apply rooting hormone to the cut and then surround the area with moist sphagnum moss.

Click here to see this rooting hormone powder on Amazon.

Secure the moss with plastic wrap, ensuring that the moss remains moist. Within a few weeks, new roots should start to form inside the moss.

Once the roots have developed, cut the stem below the newly formed roots and pot the new plant in the appropriate soil.

For a more detailed procedure of air layering the Monstera plant, check out the YouTube video below.


Lastly, the division is a method that works well for mature Monstera plants with multiple stems.

Begin by gently removing the plant from its pot and shaking off any excess soil.

Carefully examine the roots, looking for natural divisions or clumps.

Using a clean, sharp knife or shears, separate the roots into sections, ensuring that each division has at least one stem and a healthy root system.

Repot each division into a new pot with well-draining soil and provide appropriate care to encourage new growth.

Click here to see this pot on Amazon.

To see a visual demonstration, please check out the YouTube video below.

Best Time to Propagate

Propagate your Monstera during the spring or summer months. This period offers optimal growing conditions.

As this provides the plant with ample sunlight and warm temperatures, promoting faster growth and better root development.

Additionally, humidity levels are typically higher, which Monstera plants thrive on.

Choosing the Right Cutting

When propagating your Monstera, it’s essential to choose a healthy stem cutting with:

1. At least one or two leaves, as they are crucial for photosynthesis.

Remove any excess leaves, especially near the node as this will help direct the plant’s energy toward root development.

A piece of monstera monkey mask cut of for propagation

2. A healthy aerial root and a node that will develop into the new root system.

Nodes are small, swollen areas on the stem where aerial roots and new growth emerge. Make sure your cutting has at least one node.

3. No signs of rot or disease.

To further increase your chances of success, try selecting stem cuttings from a mature, well-established plant.

Varieties such as Monstera Albo and Monstera Adansonii are excellent candidates for propagation.

Propagation Care

Propagation is a great way to expand your collection of Monstera plants.

With proper care and attention to detail, you can successfully propagate new plants from cuttings.

In this section, we’ll discuss the key factors to consider when propagating your Monstera.

Watering Requirements

watering monstera plant

When propagating your Monstera, it’s essential to provide the right amount of water.

During the propagation process, keep the potting mix consistently moist but not soaking wet.

Overwatering can lead to root rot and oxygen deprivation, while underwatering could cause the cutting to dry out and fail to root.

A balanced mix of potting soil, perlite, and peat moss can help maintain the appropriate moisture levels.

Light & Temperature Needs

Monsteras, also known as Swiss cheese plants, need adequate light to thrive and engage in photosynthesis.

Monstera in a white pot in the indirect sunlight

Indirect sunlight is ideal for healthy growth, as direct exposure to bright sunlight may cause the plants’ leaves to develop yellow or brown spots.

During propagation, provide your Monstera cuttings with bright, indirect light where they can still receive the warmth and energy they need to grow healthy roots.

Temperature is another important factor when it comes to Monstera propagation care.

The ideal temperature range for successful growth and root development is between 68-86°F.

Ensuring your cuttings are placed in a warm, brightly lit area will increase the chances of establishing a healthy and thriving Monstera plant.

Support for Developing Monsteras

monstera plant climbing on moss pole

As your Monstera starts to grow, providing support such as a moss pole or similar climbing structure can help prevent instability, encourage upward growth, and reduce stress on the plant.

Click here to see this moss pole on Amazon.

This vertical support will mimic the natural environment, as Monsteras would typically climb trees in search of light.

When securing your Monstera to support, take care not to damage the stems or leaves, and avoid overtightening any ties or fasteners.

This will allow your Monstera plant to thrive, grow, and contribute to an aesthetically pleasing indoor garden.

Troubleshooting Propagation Issues

When propagating your Monstera, you may encounter some common issues that can hinder its growth.

In this section, we’ll go over the most frequent challenges and provide advice on how to address them.

Don’t worry, even if you’re new to houseplants, we’ll help you throughout this journey.

Root Rot & Overwatering

Overwatering can lead to root rot in Monsteras. This often occurs when the plant is sitting in too much water, causing the roots to suffocate and decay.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Make sure your plant’s pot has proper drainage holes.
  2. Avoid watering your Monstera during winter, as it requires less water during cold months.
  3. Keep an eye out for signs of root rot, such as black or decaying roots, and trim away affected areas.

Black & Yellow Leaves

yellowing of monstera leaves

A Monstera’s leaves can turn black or yellow for various reasons. One possible reason is overwatering, leading to root rot.

To tackle this issue, follow the tips mentioned under Root Rot & Overwatering.

Another reason could be associated with variegated varieties, which might have a higher chance of leaf discoloration.

For such cases, ensure your plant has an adequate balance of light exposure and maintain a consistent watering schedule.

Slow or Stunted Growth

Sometimes, your Monstera’s growth might come to a standstill. Don’t fret! Here’s what you can do:

Repot Your Plant

repotting monstera

A root-bound Monstera can experience stunted growth. Move it to a larger pot and make sure the roots have enough space to grow.

Optimize Light Conditions

Monsteras love bright, indirect sunlight. Keep it in a well-lit room, but not in direct sun, to avoid scorching the leaves.

Prune Older Leaves

Trim older or dying leaves, so the plant can focus its energy on new growth.

Monstera Propagation Success Story

Propagating your Monstera plant is not only rewarding but also a great way to expand your collection without spending a fortune.

By following the tips mentioned above, you are well-equipped for Monstera propagation success.

Remember to be patient, as propagation can sometimes take a few weeks to show signs of success.

Enjoy watching your new plant flourish and remember that sharing the process with friends makes the experience even more rewarding.

Soon enough, you’ll have a thriving collection of Monstera plants, each with its own unique character and charm. Happy growing!

For additional tips on caring for your Monstera plant, see the articles below:

Choosing the Right Pot For Your Monstera: Cracking The Code

Here’s How To Make A Monstera Bloom