7 Monstera Growing Myths – Debunked!

Welcome, Monstera enthusiasts, plant parents, and green thumbs of all experience levels! So, you’ve decided to bring a Monstera, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, into your home.

A hearty applause is in order – it’s a choice you won’t regret. With their stunning, hole-punched foliage, these leafy wonders are a plant lover’s dream!

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But wait a minute, let’s hit the pause button right there.

Before you start planning matching outfits with your Monstera (we don’t judge, promise), there are a few things we need to discuss.

You see, some myths about these beautiful tropical wonders are floating around in the plant world. Myths that might be making your plant parenting journey a little more confusing than it needs to be.

Fear not!

We’re here to separate the wheat from the chaff, the truth from the fiction, the…well, you get the idea.

We’re about to dive deep into some of the most common Monstera myths and reveal how they can actually help your new leafy friend thrive.

So, sit back, grab a cup of your favorite brew, and get ready for a myth-busting journey that will turn you into a Monstera guru in no time. Let’s get started, shall we?

Myth #1: Monsteras Should be Watered Daily

Imagine this: You’re a loving plant parent, and you believe that each and every day, come rain or shine, your gorgeous Monstera needs a good ol’ watering.

watering monstera

You mean well, but hold your watering cans! This is where the first myth comes into play.

Contrary to popular belief, Monsteras are not big fans of daily water parties. In fact, they might just hold a grudge against you for overwatering them.

You see, these tropical beauties hail from the rainforests of Central and South America, where they’re used to a cycle of heavy rain followed by a period of drought.

They’re survivors, and they don’t appreciate being drenched every day. Too much water can cause their roots to rot, which is the equivalent of us humans having to wear waterlogged shoes all day – not fun!

So, what’s the right way to water a Monstera?

Water thoroughly, then give them a break. Let the top inch or so of the soil dry out before the next watering session. The frequency of watering will depend on the size of your plant, the pot it’s in, and the climate of your home, but a good rule of thumb is once a week.

Remember, your Monstera would rather be a bit too dry than a bit too wet. So, think again the next time you’re tempted to give your leafy friend a daily shower. They might just thank you for it with a new, shiny leaf!

Myth #2: Monsteras Need Direct Sunlight

Picture this: you’ve just brought home a splendid Monstera, and you decide to place it right by the window where it’ll be bathed in glorious, direct sunlight all day long.

Monstera by the window

Wait a second, though!

Despite what you may have heard, Monsteras aren’t big on the sun-tanning lifestyle. Yes, they love light, but not the intense, direct kind that leaves them with sunburn.

Remember, these tropical charmers originate from the forest floors of Central and South America. There, they enjoy dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy of larger trees.

So, direct sunlight?

No, thank you!

What your Monstera craves is bright, indirect light.

Think of it as preferring a shady spot on a beach rather than being directly under the scorching sun. Find a place in your home that gets plenty of light but isn’t hit by harsh, direct rays. An east or north-facing window could be the perfect spot.

And if you notice your Monstera’s leaves turning yellow or getting brown spots, it might be trying to tell you it’s getting too much sun. Listen to your leafy friend!

Move it out of the direct light and into a spot with softer, more ambient brightness.

By understanding their sunlight preferences, you’ll have your Monstera singing (or growing) with joy in no time!

Myth #3: Monsteras Don’t Need Fertilizer

Now, let’s talk about food. Well, plant food, to be precise. A common myth circulating in the plant world is that Monsteras are so hardy, they don’t need any additional nutrients.

Hold up!

While it’s true that Monsteras are pretty tough cookies, they’re also big eaters. In their natural habitat, they munch on a buffet of nutrients available in the rainforest soil.

So, in your home, they’ll definitely appreciate a good meal.

fertilizing a monstera

What’s on the menu?

A balanced houseplant fertilizer will do the trick.

During the growing season (spring and summer), it’s a good idea to feed your Monstera about once a month. Just be sure to follow the instructions on your fertilizer package, because too much of a good thing can be…well, not so good.

But what about the rest of the year?

In fall and winter, your Monstera goes into a sort of hibernation mode and its growth slows down. During these months, you can cut back on the fertilizer.

Remember, your Monstera isn’t just surviving. It’s thriving! And like any thriving being, it needs a balanced diet to keep it looking and feeling its best. So go ahead, give your leafy companion a little plant food love!

Myth #4: Monsteras Should be Pruned Only at Certain Times

Ever heard the one about Monsteras needing to be pruned only during a specific lunar phase, under the third blue moon of the year, while balancing on one leg? Alright, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but pruning myths can sometimes feel that way!

Reality check: Monsteras are not that fussy when it comes to a little trim. In truth, you can prune your Monstera any time you see fit.

Pruning a Monstera

Why prune, you ask?

Well, pruning can help control your Monstera’s size (they can get quite big!) and also promote bushier growth. Plus, it can help maintain your plant’s health by removing any yellow or brown leaves that are past their prime.

So grab your pruning shears (cleaned and disinfected, of course), and feel free to give your Monstera a little haircut when needed.

Just be careful not to overdo it – a few snips here and there are usually enough. And remember, always prune just above a leaf node (where a leaf or branch is or was attached), to give your Monstera the best chance at bouncing back beautifully.

So, don’t wait for the blue moon. If your Monstera is calling for a trim, go ahead and prune away!

Myth #5: Monsteras Don’t Need Support

So, you’ve got your Monstera comfortably perched on your favorite stand, and you think it’s all set. But did you know your Monstera might be craving a little extra support?

Let’s bust this myth: Monsteras are natural climbers.

Back in their rainforest homes, these plants were the Tarzans of the plant world, using the trunks and branches of larger trees to pull themselves toward the sunlight. So, even though they’re houseplants now, that desire to reach up hasn’t left them.

What can you do to help?

Monstera on moss pole

Consider adding a moss pole or another type of support to your Monstera’s pot.

Your plant will be overjoyed to have something to cling to and will reward you by growing taller and healthier. Plus, providing support can help your Monstera develop those gorgeous, split leaves that make these plants so special.

Remember, your Monstera has a climbing spirit! Give it a little support, and it’ll reach for the stars (or the ceiling) in no time.

Myth #6: Monsteras Can’t Grow in Low Humidity

Let’s get one thing straight: Monsteras love a good steamy atmosphere. After all, they are rainforest plants.

But, what if your home is not exactly a tropical paradise?

Fear not, your Monstera can still thrive!

Monstera leaf and spritzer

While Monsteras do enjoy a bit of humidity, they’re also pretty adaptable. They can tolerate lower humidity levels, so you don’t have to turn your home into a sauna.

That said, if you want to treat your Monstera, consider misting its leaves every so often, or place a humidifier nearby. It’s like giving your Monstera a mini tropical vacation!

So, if your home is a bit on the dry side, don’t worry. Your Monstera won’t pack its bags and leave. But a little extra humidity here and there will certainly make it feel more at home.

Read more: 5 Key Ways Humidity Boosts Your Monstera’s Health

Myth #7: Monsteras are Resistant to Pests

Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about pests. There’s a rumor going around that Monsteras are so robust, they’re practically invincible to common pests.

Let’s set the record straight: No plant is entirely immune to pests.

Like any other houseplant, Monsteras can be visited by unwanted guests like aphids, spider mites, and scale.

Monstera pests

So, what can you do to protect your leafy friend?

Regularly check your Monstera for signs of pests. Look under the leaves and near the stems. If you see any small, discolored spots or tiny moving creatures, it might be time for some pest control.

There are many ways to tackle pests, from insecticidal soap to neem oil, or even a simple dish soap and water mixture. And remember, prevention is the best medicine. Keeping your Monstera healthy with proper watering, lighting, and feeding will make it less attractive to pests.

In conclusion, your Monstera might be a tough cookie, but it still needs some care and attention when it comes to pests. Keep an eye out, and your Monstera will thank you for it!

7 Monstera Growing Myths - Debunked!