Why Is My Monstera Dripping Water? Uncovering the Mystery

If you’re a proud owner of a beautiful Monstera plant, you may have noticed something peculiar at some point – your Monstera is dripping water.

This might leave you wondering why this watery phenomenon could be, and more importantly, is it a cause for concern.

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Monstera dripping water

In this article, we will explore the reasons behind your Monstera’s dripping water, ensuring you can take appropriate action if necessary.

One common reason for your Monstera dripping water is a natural process called guttation.

Guttation occurs when your plant releases excess water and mineral salts at its leaf tips through hydathodes.

This is completely normal and can also be observed in many other healthy houseplants. However, guttation may also be an indicator of overwatering, so it is essential to keep an eye on your watering habits and the plant’s overall health.

In the following sections, we’ll provide more in-depth information and further explore other factors that may contribute to your Monstera dripping water.

Why Is My Monstera Dripping Water Uncovering the Mystery

Why Your Monstera Could be Dripping Water

Your Monstera plant may be dripping water due to a natural process called guttation. This process happens as the plant releases excess water and mineral salts in its leaf tips through specialized structures called hydathodes. Guttation is a normal and non-harmful process that your Monstera might experience.

However, it’s also possible that the dripping could be a result of factors like overwatering or the plant being root bound.

In the case of overwatering, follow a proper watering schedule and let the soil partially dry out between waterings to prevent excess moisture from accumulating.

If your Monstera is rootbound, meaning the roots are constricted in the pot and struggling to take in enough water, it’s essential to re-pot your plant as necessary to prevent it from becoming even more rootbound.

Every year or two, checking the roots for constriction will help ensure the long-term health of your plant.

Lastly, stress or adjusting to a new environment can also cause weeping of Monstera leaves. Ensuring your plant has the appropriate growing conditions, such as light, humidity, and temperature, will help reduce stress and promote a healthier plant overall.

Understanding Monstera Dripping Water

If you’ve noticed your Monstera plant dripping water, you might be curious as to the mechanics behind the process.

Water dripping from Monstera leaf

This section provides an overview of two primary processes that can cause Monstera plants to release water: Transpiration and Guttation.


Transpiration is a process in which plants release water vapor from their leaves. This primarily occurs through small pores called stomata. Like most plants, Monstera plants engage in transpiration to regulate water balance and exchange gases with the environment.

As the roots take in water, it travels up the plant through specialized cells called xylem sap, eventually reaching the leaves.

As the water evaporates from the stoma, it helps to cool the plant and maintain ideal conditions for photosynthesis.

Transpiration might cause some water droplets to form on your Monstera’s leaves, but it typically results in a more subtle release of water vapor.


Guttation is another reason why Monstera plants might release water droplets. This process is different from transpiration in that it occurs through specialized structures called hydathodes, which are present on the edges of the leaves.

Water on monstera leaf

While transpiration releases water vapor, guttation involves the release of actual liquid droplets. This occurs when the roots absorb more water than the plant needs to function properly.

The excess water is pushed out through the hydathodes to prevent damage to the plant’s cells, forming droplets on the leaf tips.

In summary, Monstera plants may drip water due to two distinct processes – transpiration and guttation.

Both play an important role in maintaining the plant’s overall health, but if you notice excessive dripping, monitoring watering habits and ensuring proper care for your Monstera is essential. 

Watering Habits of Monstera That Can Affect This

When caring for your Monstera, it’s essential to establish a proper watering schedule. Monsteras prefer to have their soil somewhat moist but not overly wet.

Watering a monstera plant

Generally, watering once a week or when the top 1-2 inches of soil feel dry is sufficient. Keep in mind that overwatering can lead to guttation, which causes your Monstera to drip water.

Monitoring Humidity

Humidity plays a crucial role in keeping your Monstera happy. These plants thrive in humid environments, so maintaining indoor humidity between 40% and 60% is recommended. If needed, use a humidifier or place a tray of water near the plant to increase humidity.

Related Issues

If your Monstera is having water issues, you might also encounter one of these –

White Marks and Salt Buildup

White marks on your Monstera’s leaves can indicate salt buildup in the soil. This can occur if you use water with high mineral content or if you’re over-fertilizing your plant. To fix this issue:

  • Flush the soil with fresh water to remove excess salts.
  • Use distilled or filtered water for watering your plant.
  • Reduce the amount or frequency of fertilizer application.

Wilting and Stress

Wilting and stress in Monsteras can be caused by various factors such as temperature fluctuations, insufficient light, or transplant shock. To prevent and address wilting and stress:

  • Ensure your Monstera is receiving adequate light, but avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.
  • Maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level around your plant.
  • When repotting, be gentle with the roots and give your plant time to adjust to its new environment.

By paying attention to these common issues and their causes, you can enjoy a healthy and thriving Monstera Deliciosa in your home.

It is essential to keep an eye on your Monstera plant and observe its growth patterns and overall health. By paying attention to the factors causing the dripping, you can better understand how to care for your plant and ensure its long-term well-being.